Map Testing Issues

Here are some common things that we will need to know.


1.  The student is “in Progress”

a. The test for the student will need to be resumed/started.

No Operational technician will be able to start and resume the session.

The Test Administrator (Assistant Principal) will have to resume the test. Please

attempt to have the teacher contact the building’s test administrator to assist the



2.  The student doesn't see the MAP Kiosk Application.

a. Walk the teacher through locating the Kiosk App on the bottom right.

b. If the Kiosk Application doesn't exist, the student will need to go to the designated

Chromebook Swap out area for a loaner.

3. Screen Resolution Error

  1. To set screen resolution to 100% on the student Chromebook, hold down Shift and Ctrl and press 0. This can be completed in kiosk mode as well. Restart the Chromebook and relaunch the app

4. Browser Error

  1. Update chrome

  2. Click for instructions on how to update chrome. How To Update a Chromebook